
Today I will show you how to configure Valve Hammer Editor (VHE). You can download it from here -> link ( download version 3.4 and 3.5). You will need the latest Half-Life Tools for compiling (ZHLT 3.5 v25 by vluzcna, not official, recommended) http://psyxopat.cosy-climbing.net/request.php?52 and one fgd (Forge Game Data) file. http://cosy-climbing.net/img/nikola/counter-strike.fgd If you don't want to use the unofficial ZHLT you can use ZHLT 3.4 official by Zoner. http://zhlt.info/download-zhlt.html

Download and install VHE 3.4 then replace version 3.4 with 3.5 in VHE's folder: C:\\Program Files\\Valve Hammer Editor

After that you will need to extract ZHLT tools in your VHE folder: C:\Program Files\Valve Hammer Editor\tools

Extract your fgd (Forge Game Data) file in C:\Program Files\Valve Hammer Editor\fgd\counter-strike

1. When you are done open Hammer.
2. When you see the First Time Setup dialog box, click the No button:

3. This Configure Hammer dialog should appear next.

Configuration - Click Edit, Add and give your new game configuration a name Counter-Strike.

Game Data Files - Click Add and go to your fgd directory C:\Program Files\Valve Hammer Editor\fgd\counter-strike and select the fgd file - counter-strike.fgd.

Default PointEntity class -this will be entity, which is selected by default when you click to use it. I chose info_player_start. (you can select a different entity if you want)

Default SolidEntity class - Here I chose func_wall. (you can select a different entity if you want)

Game Executable Directory - Now you need to browse to the directory in which the game executable is located. D:\Steam\steamapps\ojmz\counter-strike

Mod Directory - This is the path to your models, sounds, sprites, maps in Counter-Strike: D:\Steam\steamapps\ojmz\counter-strike\cstrike

Game Directory - This is the main directory of your game: D:\Steam\steamapps\ojmz\counter-strike\valve

RMF Directory - This is the place where your bsp files will be saves if you compile with VHE: D:\Steam\steamapps\ojmz\counter-strike\cstrike\maps

Now select Build Programs

Configuration - Select counter-strike

Game executable This is your hl.exe directory: D:\Steam\steamapps\ojmz\counter-strike\hl.exe. If you use Steam select Steam.exe.

BSP, CSG, VIS, RAD executable - are the paths from your compiling tools in C:\Program Files\Valve Hammer Editor\tools

Place compiled maps in this directory before running the game - This is the place where your bsp files will be saved after compilation: D:\Steam\steamapps\ojmz\counter-strike\cstrike\maps

One more thing left to be done. Click on Textures

Press Add WAD and go to your wad files path D:\Steam\steamapps\ojmz\counter-strike\valve and add your wad files. Remember you can add/use only 8 wads, if you have more then 8 you will get an error message in your compile log. It is good to add all WAD files in D:\Steam\steamapps\ojmz\counter-strike\valve and then to add them in VHE. If you load the WAD files from other place you can get errors!