func_door - How to open a door with button?

First we need to create a door. link. Click it and Tie to Entity, CTRL+T set class to func_door

Name- write a name for the door, so when the button is pressed the door will be triggered.
Speed - 100/150 or less
Move Sound - at your choice ( you can leave it default)
Stop Sound - at your choice ( you can leave it default)
Lip - default is 4, but you can change it if you want.

Now create another brush with button texture and press CTRL+T, set class to Func_button. link

Target - write the name from the door here.

Go to Flags and select Don't move.

func_door_rotating - How to create a door?

First we need to create a door. link. Now find the origin texture and make another brush in the center of the door link Select both brushes and Tie them Entity, CTRL+T set class to func_door_rotating

Move Sound - at your choice
Stop Sound - at your choice
Speed - 100/150 or less
Delay before close - at your choice, but 4 is good.

Go to Flags and select Toggle