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Full Version: 17's Buddies Media Kit
Forum 17B > Archive 17 Buddies > Multilingual > English
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It seems that 17's Buddies needs a new media kit. Since 2004, we have not changed our logo nor our main graphics (except perhaps a few buttons). We still like the current logo and I'm not sure i would like to replace it, but maybe is it time to replace other elements like banner, animated ads, share buttons, etc...

We encourage you to post here your creations (or links).

Best production will be selected for replacing our existing kit.

We need:

  • A banner for main site header: actually 700 x 101 but 625x101 will be enough

  • A banner for forum header: 985 x 101

  • An animated banner (gif) for advertizing on websites: 468x60px

  • An animated banner for map contest (will be used soon...): 468x60px

  • A 17b button: 88x31 (can be animated)

  • Buttons for topsite: 88x31 (5 for ranks from 1 to 5, one without rank, one 'baduser' and one 'nouser')


The dominant color should be red, like the current graphic. wink.gif

Friends designers, we look forward to your creations. icon_oui.gif felicitation.gif
Great but too much,how to say that... "dody" wink.gif

I would prefer a more 'generic' picture.

But continue to post your creations. They will be submitted to members vote when we have enought wink.gif

Hi Chapo,

What is this for a font?
I Don't know the name of the font used in older logo. icon_neutral.gif

You can use every font you want but keep in mind that i would prefer a sans serif font wink.gif
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