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Hello 17b'ers,

I have a question!

Can you tell me how long the upload and approval process will take? I uploaded a map through the "Upload file" link. I did corectly or I have to propose my map to be uploaded here? I see severals maps of mine here and I though i should add more. Thanks in advance!

P.S. The "Quick reply" image is missing from forums. Can you fix it? icon_kimouss.gif
Your map has been uploaded correctly icon_oui.gif

You can see it there (When we have checked the last manual validation).

But as the mainscreen (300x225, jpg, etc..) is not uploaded, your map will not appear on the home page wink.gif

Edit: Image for Quick Reply repaired wink.gif
QUOTE (Chapo @ 10/05/2010 - 07:58:20) *
Your map has been uploaded correctly icon_oui.gif

You can see it there (When we have checked the last manual validation).

But as the mainscreen (300x225, jpg, etc..) is not uploaded, your map will not appear on the home page wink.gif

Edit: Image for Quick Reply repaired wink.gif

Ok, so what do I got to do for the image? Isn't there any process in this site to take one screenshot and make it like a preview of the map? Why my map is not on the home page? What do you advise me?
Home page displays only the lasts maps with mainscreen.

For the main screen, you must upload a screen using this page:

This screen must be in jpg format, 300x225px , and in first person view (no logo, no addon and no black zones on it).

There is no method to make a screen automaticaly, sorry.

After your main screen is uploaded, you can upload others screens (size, format, type,etc.. free) using the link on the map's details page.
Huh, I'm a complete noob icon_decu.gif

After I add the mainscreen in the desire sizes it tells me:

Preliminary check
Please wait, search in progress ...
Please wait, search in progress ...
No corresponding map was found. You must first upload the map before its screen.

Any suggestion? Maybe I should delete the map and re-uploaded with screen and all that?

Later edit:
Ok, so I think I finaly figured out. I named my screenshot ka_portal.jpg and the page found my map. In the first try, my screenshot was named screen.jpg and gave me no result. Its a bit ambiguous, but makes sense. smile.gif

Thank you for your important advises/ideas.
Our upload process makes several tests in order to avoid incomplete or corrupted files, multiples files for the same map, etc...

In the upload page, for the screens you can read :

"The screen name must be the name of the map and have the extension .jpg (name_of_my_map.jpg),"

not so ambiguous, isnt'it ? wink.gif

Your map have been validated and is now on the main page felicitation.gif

Now that you are the "king of uploads", you can now upload all of your other maps icon_oui.gif icon_ane.gif

Alright sir! icon_biggrin.gif
How are u ?

Hei buddy!

I'm good just trying to find places where my maps are accepted. smile.gif

Here you can post your map without problem of porting ^^
Why do you say :"without problem of porting" S3B ?

Erf..mayrde..v'la que je te parle anglais maintenant..huhu..icon_ane.gif

Pourquoi tu dis ça S3B? Y a des pb sur FPSB?
Nan en fait pour soumettre une map tu es obligé de respecter des règles bien précises et l 'une
d'entre elles est que l'on ne peut pas uplauder une map si les textures viennent d'un autre jeu. Ce qui est con
car la map existe même s'ils la retire du site. Et en plus ça n'est pas toujours appliqué.
Du coup Tizu se retrouve avec une map sympa qu'il ne peut pas upload.
C'est le pourquoi de sa venue ici...

Je comprends pas le coup des textures.

Ca peut être copyrighté une texture? Une recherche google images t'en balance des milliers, alors je vois pas trop...icon_neutral.gif

Enfin bon, pour un site comme FPSB qui accepte tout sans trop de contrôle, c'est quand même bizarre huh.gif
Là tu te trompes....
Combien de maps je n'ai pas pu upload ou que j'ai vu partir à la poubelle.
Ils sont titilleux et disent qu'il y a pas de possibilité de 'porter' des fichiers d'un jeu
à un autre ( Valve).
En gros ils ne passent pas là dessus... et je sais que les images sont sur le Web
Disons que Tizu le savait avant ^^ et utiliser les textures plus mettre le nom du jeu dans
le nom de la map, c'était perdu d'avance.
Ca concerne la map ka_portal
Mouais...Là je vois pas trop le soucis...

Enfin bon, c'est leur probleme, pas le mien wink.gif
hey, isn't this english section icon_biggrin.gif

sorry if i am late to say this XD

i just felt like making my first post
le dude
Congratulation for your 1st post chapi1.gif
it was funny to read french and english : mixed i noticed after i read last posts smile.gif
happy i understand both smile.gif
Negro bambino
QUOTE (Chapo @ 10/05/2010 - 21:38:41) *
Home page displays only the lasts maps with mainscreen.

For the main screen, you must upload a screen using this page:

This screen must be in jpg format, 300x225px , and in first person view (no logo, no addon and no black zones on it).

There is no method to make a screen automaticaly, sorry.

After your main screen is uploaded, you can upload others screens (size, format, type,etc.. free) using the link on the map's details page.

Dude most help me ? To upload photo for my map!!!
Screenshot is 300 x 225 pixel , name is : gl_underground.jpg is from my computer.
But have second option: Submit from a URL: ?
My photo no have URL is in my computer , so what now ?
And sey this if i clik with no this option: ,,Submit from a URL:,,
And sey this now:
You must first submit the main screen of the map.
(View menu 'Upload a File')
Where is main screen ? Where is Menu ,upload a file, ?
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