[new] Install With Hlbox |
09/12/2013 - 18:37:39 |
Group: 17 Buddies Posts: 18 535 Joined: 27/12/2003 Team: Dev. 17b |
I have activated our new revolutionnary feature: "Install with HLBox17b"
Since some days, you have noticed those links on every page but they weren't actives. Now it's done. Tests have been made with advanced members but I need more feedback. For the moment, I have launched this feature only for tests purposes, so be indulgent if it crashes some times (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/gap.gif) . To use it, please go to our Tools section, download and install HLBox17b (viruses free (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/icon_ane.gif) ) When installed, a single click on a link will download and install map automatically, in the right folder. You don't have to do anything else. This is a really complex procedure so I need your help. Install and use this feature and if you encounter bugs, please report them here, so i can fix quickly. Click and.... Play !!! Cheers (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/ami2.gif) PS: Activate "Check for new versions at startup" in the setup dialog so you will be warned each time I upload an update. ============================================================================ Je viens d'activer notre nouvelle fonction révolutionnaire : "Installez avec HLBox17b" Depuis quelques jours vous avez surement remarqué ces liens sur chaque page de notre site mais ils n'étaient pas actifs . C'est maintenant chose faite . Des tests ont été réalisés avec la team, mais j'ai maintenant besoin de plus de retours. Pour l'instant, j'ai lancé cette fonctionnalité uniquement pour des tests, donc soyez indulgents si elle crash parfois (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/gap.gif) . Pour l'utiliser, aller dans notre section Outils, téléchargez et installez HLBox17b (sans virus connu (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/icon_ane.gif) ) Une fois installé, un simple clic sur un lien va télécharger et installer automatiquement la map , normalement dans le bon dossier sans que vous n'ayez rien d'autre à faire. Il s'agit d'une procédure relativement complexe, donc j'ai besoin de votre aide . Installez et utilisez cette fonction et si vous rencontrez des erreurs , signaler les ici afin que je puisse corriger rapidement. Cliquez et .... Jouez! (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/ami2.gif) PS : Activez "Vérifier les nouvelles versions au démarrage" dans la boîte de setup afin d'être averti à chaque fois je sortirai une mise à jour . |
09/12/2013 - 19:07:59 |
Group: Advanced Posts: 153 Joined: 03/03/2011 |
i used but one thing i dont like
its not saved in memory of maps as downloaded from 17b for each user to recall i did seen it before (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) can we have the like buttons or rating buttons to the falowed/ favorite maps for each user (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/icon_ane.gif) i wanted to do it but i have 50+ and im lazy (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/wub.gif) This post has been edited by Plictis: 09/12/2013 - 19:10:33 |
09/12/2013 - 19:39:01 |
Group: 17 Buddies Posts: 18 535 Joined: 27/12/2003 Team: Dev. 17b |
Don't understand what you mean by "memory of maps as downloaded from 17b for each user".
And what do "like" and "rating" buttons have to see with this topic oO I suppose it's for another topic "News of the week" (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) |
10/12/2013 - 00:54:47 |
Group: Member Posts: 1 Joined: 06/12/2013 |
i used but one thing i dont like
its not saved in memory of maps as downloaded from 17b for each user to recall i did seen it before (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) can we have the like buttons or rating buttons to the falowed/ favorite maps for each user (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/icon_ane.gif) i wanted to do it but i have 50+ and im lazy (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/wub.gif) |
10/12/2013 - 17:26:50 |
Group: 17 Buddies Posts: 1 200 Joined: 12/11/2007 Team: 17B addict |
Try Try Try ^^
& Give feedback (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/icon_jap.gif) |
10/12/2013 - 19:11:28 |
Group: Advanced Posts: 153 Joined: 03/03/2011 |
if i use the new feature the maps are not found on that list anymore(new maps i install) like button +scroll down or boxes for like (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/icon_lol.gif) This post has been edited by Plictis: 10/12/2013 - 19:12:06 |
11/12/2013 - 20:57:46 |
Group: 17 Buddies Posts: 18 535 Joined: 27/12/2003 Team: Dev. 17b |
http://www.17buddies.net/17b2/UsrDwls/20597/Pag/1/index.html if i use the new feature the maps are not found on that list anymore(new maps i install) Just tested and it works for me. This feature was not initialy installed but i did it few time after announce (one or two hours). Did you recently try the feature ? like button +scroll down or boxes for like (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/icon_lol.gif) Must i call a translator guru ? (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/icon_kimouss.gif) |
12/12/2013 - 16:35:29 |
Group: Advanced Posts: 153 Joined: 03/03/2011 |
can we have there under FTP server a button for like (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) |
12/12/2013 - 16:39:13 |
Group: 17 Buddies Posts: 18 535 Joined: 27/12/2003 Team: Dev. 17b |
No. It will dramaticaly increase page load time.
For further infos, please post in other topic (News of the week - 49). Current one is intended for HLBox only (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/icon_jap.gif) |
13/12/2013 - 16:35:15 |
Group: 17 Buddies Posts: 18 535 Joined: 27/12/2003 Team: Dev. 17b |
I have modified one little thing.
Now when you click on a HLBox17b button, you are warned that HLBox must be installed if I don't detect installation. Installation is detected when you have downloaded at least one map with HLBox and/or if you have runned it one time. If HLBox is installed, the dialog box will only appear once before installing a map or a wad. Setup is saved 30 days following last use of HLbox. |
15/12/2013 - 10:46:11 |
Group: 17 Buddies Posts: 1 200 Joined: 12/11/2007 Team: 17B addict |
A little video (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) ^^
Thx porrraloca (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/icon_jap.gif) |
16/12/2013 - 19:45:08 |
Group: Member Posts: 3 Joined: 25/11/2011 Team: | BrazucA | |
19/12/2013 - 16:17:09 |
Group: Member Posts: 25 Joined: 08/06/2012 |
Bonjour à tous,
Je viens d'essayer la nouvelle boite a outils HLbox et la fonctionnalité d’installation auto "click'n Play". Pour ma par lors du clic sur le bouton "click'n play", cela lance bien le logiciel. Par contre il n'y aucun répertoire de défini par défaut et lorsque j'en sélectionne un sans vouloir jouer (Donc en cliquant sur quitter) cela ne créé pas les fichiers dans le répertoire spécifié. J'ai ressayé mais je dois toujours spécifier un répertoire. Des fois cela me mets ce message d'erreur aussi : QUOTE Une erreur est survenue pendant l'opération: 1 - Vous ne pouvez pas accéder à ce fichier directement. Voilà pour mon premier feedback sur cette nouvelle fonctionnalité qu semble très prometteuse !! GG pour cela !!! PS: OS=Windows 8.1 This post has been edited by Toots: 19/12/2013 - 16:19:33 |
19/12/2013 - 17:11:39 |
Group: 17 Buddies Posts: 18 535 Joined: 27/12/2003 Team: Dev. 17b |
Bonsoir Toots,
Peux-tu m'en dire plus sur ta config? Et éventuellement sur la description précise de l'erreur. En effet dans la procédure il y a deux phases: 1) HLbox interroge le serveur 17b pour récupérer les caractéristiques du fichier à télécharger. Si le mod est reconnu, il indique un répertoire de destination calculé en fonction du mod et passe directement à la phase 2 sans intervention de l'utilisateur. Si le mod n'est pas reconnu (pas installé, version no-steam ou autre problème), il demande à l'utilisateur de sélectionner un répertoire par défaut. Une fois le répertoire sélectionné, un clic sur 'Lancer' démarre le téléchargement. 2) HLBox télécharge le fichier (barre de progression). 3) Une fois le téléchargement achevé, HLBox décompresse l'archive et l'installe dans le répertoire indiqué (ou automatiquement détecté) 4) Une fois l'installation achevée, tu as la possibilité de lancer le jeu ou de quitter. J'aimerai donc en savoir un peu plus sur tes erreurs. et surtout sur le message d'erreur que tu indiques: a quel moment apparaît il? Es-tu en no-steam ou alors as-tu déplacé tes fichiers steam dans un autre répertoire que le répertoire par défaut ? Tu peux me répondre en MP si tu préfères (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) |
21/12/2013 - 09:40:26 |
Group: Member Posts: 25 Joined: 08/06/2012 |
En fait, j'ai effectué les tests avec un pc portable sur lequel cstrike avait un problème de maj apparemment. Maintenant, il me détetce bien le répertoire cstrike_downloads et me télécharge bien la maps et ses fichiers.
Par contre, lorsqu'il ne trouvait pas le répertoire, je n'avais pas de bouton "Lancer" comme tu me l'expliques. Une fois que j'avais cliqué sur le bouton "Click'nPlay", il ouvrait la fenêtre de dl et lançait le téléchargement, ou du moins la barre de progression avançait, sans répertoire de destination ni action sur un bouton "Lancer". Ce qui fait qu'on ne peut pas choisir de répertoire de destination car une fois la barre de progression arrivée au bout, on ne peut que jouer ou quitter. Pour ce qui est du message d'erreur il apparait, de temps en temps, en popup sur le site lorsqu'on essaie d'installer une map via ce système. En espérant avoir été un peu plus clair... (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) |
26/12/2013 - 15:54:25 |
Group: 17 Buddies Posts: 1 200 Joined: 12/11/2007 Team: 17B addict |
30/01/2014 - 01:43:42 |
Group: Member Posts: 3 Joined: 25/11/2011 Team: | BrazucA | |
Min for sure it works in all games at least cs: go xD
he does not recognize the location of this game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjM_Mzl9AfE |
30/01/2014 - 09:02:12 |
Group: 17 Buddies Posts: 18 535 Joined: 27/12/2003 Team: Dev. 17b |
Do you have moved default installation folders using steam library feature ?
Can you please send me a copy of your file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\appmanifest_730.acf and C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\config.vdf It will help me to find the error (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) |
30/01/2014 - 23:17:00 |
Group: Member Posts: 3 Joined: 25/11/2011 Team: | BrazucA | |
Do you have moved default installation folders using steam library feature ? Can you please send me a copy of your file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\appmanifest_730.acf and C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\config.vdf It will help me to find the error (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) up in my fastdl ok I hope it helps you my game in E:\Steam\ http://maxigame.com.br/brazuca/cstrike/config17b_chapo.zip There are the files my dear xD This post has been edited by porrraloca: 30/01/2014 - 23:18:35 |
12/10/2014 - 21:01:45 |
Group: 17 Buddies Posts: 179 Joined: 22/10/2008 Team: Les Scarapotes |
Je viens de télécharger et j'ai fais un test avec une map HL1/CZ ; et j'ai exactement le même problème que Toots. 8 mois plus tard, pas de correctifs, est-ce que le développement est abandonné où il y a un manque d'informations ? Toots a bien expliqué (et il s'est fait joyeusement ignoré (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/icon_ane.gif) ) , je ne vais pas radoter, si tu as besoin d'informations précises, dis-le moi et je te donne ça de suite. (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/icon_oui.gif) EDIT: en lisant le message ci-dessus, je suppose que tu n'as pas prévu que les situations où les jeux ne sont pas originalement au même endroit que la première installation. Dans mon cas, j'ai réinstallé windows et steam sur un SSD, et j'ai mon ancienne installation sur un autre disque dur. Le fichier config.vdf a une clé "BaseInstallFolder_1" qui pointe bien sur mon autre disque dur (et donc se trouve la plupart des jeux). Et j'ai même une autre BaseInstallFolder_2 qui pointe effectivement sur un autre SSD où j'ai mis quelques jeux. Si le soft se base sur ce fichier ça devrait être facile à fixer non ? This post has been edited by Arkshine: 13/10/2014 - 08:39:38 |
13/10/2014 - 16:36:46 |
Group: 17 Buddies Posts: 18 535 Joined: 27/12/2003 Team: Dev. 17b |
Je n'ai malheureusement absolument plus le temps (et peut-être pas vraiment envie non plus) de me replonger dans le code de HLBox.
Par contre, je suis prêt à te fournir la totalité de mon code source 'en l'état' (Projet Microsoft Visual C# 2012) si tu te sens prêt à te remettre dedans. Si le coeur t'en dit. (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) |
13/10/2014 - 18:13:54 |
Group: Advanced Posts: 129 Joined: 28/07/2013 |
Je n'ai malheureusement absolument plus le temps (et peut-être pas vraiment envie non plus) de me replonger dans le code de HLBox. Par contre, je suis prêt à te fournir la totalité de mon code source 'en l'état' (Projet Microsoft Visual C# 2012) si tu te sens prêt à te remettre dedans. Si le coeur t'en dit. (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) Hello chapo, what did you use to make the installer? the microsoft one click deployment looks bad, Btw if you upload the code I might be able to use some of it in a project (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) |
13/10/2014 - 21:05:33 |
Group: 17 Buddies Posts: 18 535 Joined: 27/12/2003 Team: Dev. 17b |
I use InnoIde for installer.
I prefer giving code to someone which continue HLBox development, not for other project (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) |
13/10/2014 - 21:35:14 |
Group: Advanced Posts: 129 Joined: 28/07/2013 |
Sorry I have very little time ATM, and my coding is mostly from game programming, I find editing text a real pain (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
I was after the part that gets the steam directory, I guess its in the config.vdf ? |
21/12/2014 - 21:07:09 |
Group: Member Posts: 2 Joined: 29/01/2014 Team: HLDM-BR.NET |
Click 'n Play doesn't work for me when I try to install Half-Life Deathmatch maps. Click the button, nothing happens. Even more strange, when I use Click 'n Play to install maps for CS 1.6 and other mods it installs normally.
Any fix for this? EDIT: seems like HLBox isn't even configured to install HLDM maps, as I went to appManifests.cfg and saw no index for Half-Life there. Tried setting one myself but it didn't work. Here's what it looked like: CODE [HL DeathMatch] HLVersion=1 Ident=valve appID=70 UsedDepots=1,2,3,6,71,96 OldPath=half-life NewPath=Half-Life CustomType=1 And yes, I double checked the depots the game uses in SteamDB. Still doesn't work. This post has been edited by SamuelKPeter: 22/12/2014 - 03:37:31 |
26/12/2014 - 19:19:51 |
Group: 17 Buddies Posts: 18 535 Joined: 27/12/2003 Team: Dev. 17b |
Hi samuel,
Sorry but i'm not often there but i'm still reading eveyone's posts. For you problem, can you tell me the path where hldm maps are installed? I will try to fix your problem as soon as possible (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) |
30/12/2014 - 11:31:26 |
Group: Advanced Posts: 129 Joined: 28/07/2013 |
on 64bit its
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life\valve This post has been edited by LiveWire: 30/12/2014 - 11:31:48 |
15/01/2015 - 08:07:01 |
Group: Advanced Posts: 109 Joined: 29/08/2011 Team: 17 Buddies |
hi, on HL DeathMatch is HlBox not running !
11/09/2015 - 09:54:00 |
Group: Member Posts: 2 Joined: 29/01/2014 Team: HLDM-BR.NET |
Hi, any progress on fixing up HLbox for Half-Life Deathmatch? I'm available for testing, if you want.
21/12/2015 - 15:37:07 |
Group: Advanced Posts: 138 Joined: 25/11/2011 |
It seems the tool doesn't include custom sky files into res file...
21/12/2015 - 17:04:15 |
Group: 17 Buddies Posts: 18 535 Joined: 27/12/2003 Team: Dev. 17b |
As far as i remember, tga files are not necessary to be listed in res files.
21/12/2015 - 19:34:56 |
Group: Advanced Posts: 138 Joined: 25/11/2011 |
Custom sky & overviews should be listed in res files definitely. It is true both for BMP and TGA.
23/12/2015 - 06:57:20 |
Group: 17 Buddies Posts: 18 535 Joined: 27/12/2003 Team: Dev. 17b |
You're surely right, I don't remember. (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/icon_neutral.gif)
Before adding resources in res, I check in gcf files used by the game if they are not 'standard' resources. Perhaps missing sky files are already included in one of the necessary gcf files. |
23/12/2015 - 07:37:46 |
Group: Advanced Posts: 138 Joined: 25/11/2011 |
May be you should limit the number of 'gkfs' checked? For example, for Half-Life maps you must search for resources in 'valve' only; for CS it will be 'valve' & 'cstrike' but not others. And for sky you should check for both types of images.
This is the perfect example where HLBox made a mistake. This post has been edited by Safety1st: 23/12/2015 - 07:38:28 |
23/12/2015 - 10:55:43 |
Group: Advanced Posts: 129 Joined: 28/07/2013 |
May be you should limit the number of 'gkfs' checked? For example, for Half-Life maps you must search for resources in 'valve' only; for CS it will be 'valve' & 'cstrike' but not others. And for sky you should check for both types of images. This is the perfect example where HLBox made a mistake. Just to make things more difficult (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) some games like DOD & CS got updated with steampipe, cstrike_downloads is where custom maps & assets should be put now. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\cstrike <<<Default files only, don`t touch C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\cstrike_addon <<<Custom hud C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\cstrike_downloads <<<Custom maps & assets C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\dod <<<Default files only, don`t touch C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\dod_addon <<<Custom hud C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\dod_downloads <<<Custom maps & assets |
23/12/2015 - 13:15:56 |
Group: Advanced Posts: 138 Joined: 25/11/2011 |
LiveWire, we are discussing other thing now.
23/12/2015 - 16:31:44 |
Group: 17 Buddies Posts: 18 535 Joined: 27/12/2003 Team: Dev. 17b |
May be you should limit the number of 'gkfs' checked? For example, for Half-Life maps you must search for resources in 'valve' only; for CS it will be 'valve' & 'cstrike' but not others. And for sky you should check for both types of images. This is the perfect example where HLBox made a mistake. I must take care of all gcf files. For each game, information of used depots can be found here: http://steamdb.info For example, deathmatch classic, use 1,2,3,6 and 41: https://steamdb.info/app/40/depots/ For depots scanned for each game, see the file Program Files\17Buddies\HLBox17b\appManifests.cfg lines UsedDepots=x,y,z Just to make things more difficult (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) some games like DOD & CS got updated with steampipe, cstrike_downloads is where custom maps & assets should be put now. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\cstrike <<<Default files only, don`t touch C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\cstrike_addon <<<Custom hud C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\cstrike_downloads <<<Custom maps & assets C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\dod <<<Default files only, don`t touch C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\dod_addon <<<Custom hud C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\dod_downloads <<<Custom maps & assets Thank you LiveWire, but I already know that and HLBox use those paths (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/ami2.gif) |
23/12/2015 - 17:10:48 |
Group: 17 Buddies Posts: 18 535 Joined: 27/12/2003 Team: Dev. 17b |
Safety=> I just tried with your sample map and it works: sky files are listed in res file.
CODE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Resources file, created with HLBox17b, free software!!! // // © Chapo 2005-2013 - Infos @ http://www.17buddies.net // // More than 80000 maps to download! // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // dutch_wintercold.res // Created: GMT 2015-12-23 16:01:00 gfx/env/snowcliffup.tga gfx/env/snowcliffdn.tga gfx/env/snowclifflf.tga gfx/env/snowcliffrt.tga gfx/env/snowcliffft.tga gfx/env/snowcliffbk.tga // sprites/blue_teleport.spr // sprites/sexysmoke.spr Note that HlBox mut be executed in administrator mode in order to create files and folders in steam path. Otherwise it doesn't works (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) |
23/12/2015 - 18:19:02 |
Group: Advanced Posts: 129 Joined: 28/07/2013 |
Thank you LiveWire, but I already know that and HLBox use those paths (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/ami2.gif) Yeh I thought you would, I only mentioned it beacasue I tried click n play the other day and it installed the map into the \common\Half-Life\dod folder, But I just reinstalled windows & HLbox and is working fine. (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/icon_kimouss.gif) |
23/12/2015 - 19:31:31 |
Group: Advanced Posts: 138 Joined: 25/11/2011 |
Lo-Fi Version |
Skin © Chapo