Map Not Found Or Invalid |
22/02/2011 - 15:24:19 |
Group: Member Posts: 5 Joined: 02/01/2011 |
ist doch sehr merkwürdig,ich lade mir hier Maps herunter inkl. res-Datei und möchte sie local testen bevor ich die auf den Server hau.
Das einzigste was jedes Mal kommt ist: CModelLoader::Map_IsValid: 'maps/de_labyhouse.bsp' is not a valid BSP file map load failed: de_labyhouse not found or invalid Was läuft hier falsch ? Man kann doch nichts falsch machen,mit Maps von anderen Seiten klappt es doch auch (IMG: |
22/02/2011 - 17:56:15 |
Group: 17 Buddies Posts: 18 535 Joined: 27/12/2003 Team: Dev. 17b |
No Problem for me. It works fine (IMG:
22/02/2011 - 18:53:52 |
Group: Member Posts: 27 Joined: 08/01/2011 |
I havent no problem running the map.
But so good is it not, will not think you miss anything |
22/02/2011 - 22:58:01 |
Group: Member Posts: 5 Joined: 02/01/2011 |
sorry for my english,german iss better for me (IMG: (IMG: (IMG:
Translated by Google (IMG: I test three new maps for Downloaded from here aim_socret awp_intservers.net2 awp_romans And the Result by all Maps is : CModelLoader::Map_IsValid: 'maps/aim_socret.bsp' is not a valid BSP file map load failed: aim_socret not found or invalid maxplayers set to 16 Adding master server Adding master server maxplayers set to 16 CModelLoader::Map_IsValid: No such map 'maps/awp_intservers.bsp' map load failed: awp_intservers not found or invalid maxplayers set to 16 maxplayers set to 16 CModelLoader::Map_IsValid: 'maps/awp_romans.bsp' is not a valid BSP file map load failed: awp_romans not found or invalid no matter what I download map, always the same error. I want to look local play to see how the maps. From other sites it works, why not this? This post has been edited by Plati: 22/02/2011 - 22:59:17 |
23/02/2011 - 07:58:48 |
Group: 17 Buddies Posts: 18 535 Joined: 27/12/2003 Team: Dev. 17b |
Euhhh..Are you unzipping archives when you download them?
23/02/2011 - 15:50:24 |
Group: Member Posts: 5 Joined: 02/01/2011 |
yes of course;-) and then the extracted files in the Maps folder, I do not for the first time :-)
I'm going to ask if he has a well-known, the problem here with the maps, would be a shame, it's beautiful here Maps ------> translated with Google ^ ^ |
23/02/2011 - 18:11:43 |
Group: 17 Buddies Posts: 18 535 Joined: 27/12/2003 Team: Dev. 17b |
We don't have any bug report about this problem.
Seems to be a local problem, due to your configuration. (IMG: When you edit the downloaded bsp file with an hexa editor, does it start with 0x1E (hexadecimal value) ? Edit: don't worry about speeking german here; i will use google to translate (IMG: |
23/02/2011 - 18:35:15 |
Group: 17 Buddies Posts: 13 317 Joined: 27/02/2004 Team: nG |
i think you try to use CS map with CSS game
de_labyhouse is CS map and here or it's CSS map |
24/02/2011 - 00:41:10 |
Group: Member Posts: 27 Joined: 08/01/2011 |
That program is freaking awesome (IMG:
This post has been edited by Blaster84: 25/02/2011 - 03:24:23 |
19/01/2012 - 19:50:23 |
Group: Member Posts: 27 Joined: 23/09/2006 |
ist doch sehr merkwürdig,ich lade mir hier Maps herunter inkl. res-Datei und möchte sie local testen bevor ich die auf den Server hau. Das einzigste was jedes Mal kommt ist: CModelLoader::Map_IsValid: 'maps/de_labyhouse.bsp' is not a valid BSP file map load failed: de_labyhouse not found or invalid Was läuft hier falsch ? Man kann doch nichts falsch machen,mit Maps von anderen Seiten klappt es doch auch (IMG: So wie die Fehlermeldung aussieht handelt es sich um eine Map die nicht für Dein System geschrieben ist CS / CZ oder CSS. Nicht alle .bsp Maps sind kompatibel untereinander This post has been edited by Lord Floppynator: 22/01/2012 - 19:35:16 |
26/01/2012 - 11:03:58 |
Group: Advanced Posts: 502 Joined: 24/07/2005 |
pas de problème pour moi ça fonctionne @++ il ce peut que tu ai un problème avec le jeu supprime le jeu et re install This post has been edited by mikado: 26/01/2012 - 11:05:15 |
27/01/2012 - 03:41:49 |
Group: Member Posts: 27 Joined: 23/09/2006 |
sorry for my english,german iss better for me (IMG: (IMG: (IMG: Translated by Google (IMG: I test three new maps for Downloaded from here aim_socret awp_intservers.net2 awp_romans And the Result by all Maps is : CModelLoader::Map_IsValid: 'maps/aim_socret.bsp' is not a valid BSP file map load failed: aim_socret not found or invalid maxplayers set to 16 Adding master server Adding master server maxplayers set to 16 CModelLoader::Map_IsValid: No such map 'maps/awp_intservers.bsp' map load failed: awp_intservers not found or invalid maxplayers set to 16 maxplayers set to 16 CModelLoader::Map_IsValid: 'maps/awp_romans.bsp' is not a valid BSP file map load failed: awp_romans not found or invalid no matter what I download map, always the same error. I want to look local play to see how the maps. From other sites it works, why not this? Also Du schreibst Du hast die Maps auf anderen Servern gespielt Du hast Sie hier heruntergeladen und auf Deinen Server gepackt und funktionieren nicht. Mein Tip : Nimm den Map Packer von hier und erstelle damit ein Map File für Deinen Server. Darin sollten alle Bestandteile, dann passend enthalten sein Scheint so, das hier zwar die gleichen Maps laut Namen vorhanden sind , aber nicht zu Deinem Server passen. Warum auch immer ??? Also nimm aus Deinem Steam Account die Daten und erstelle daraus ein Map-zip Datei , die dann eigentlich passen müsste This post has been edited by Lord Floppynator: 27/01/2012 - 03:44:17 |
27/01/2012 - 09:18:38 |
Group: Advanced Posts: 502 Joined: 24/07/2005 |
tout ce que je peut dire c'est que je l'ai essayer en solo et ca marche ha oui une chose cette carte na pas de model rien met le zip qui va pas dans un fichier et envoye le moi dès fois qu'il serais endomager @++ |
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