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Metamod Lasersight V3.11-beta, by Jussi Kivilinna
post 12/09/2016 - 21:13:02 |   Post #1

Group: Member
Posts: 8
Joined: 16/02/2014


This is Hullu's Lasersight Metamod plugin but has been recompiled and fixed for CS 1.6 and CZero by including the IMI Galil and FA-MAS.

Lasersight Metamod Plugin v3.11-beta!

by Jussi Kivilinna

Recompiled and fixed by RoboCop


Lasersight -- Metamod Plugin

* Adds weapon laser beams in multiplayer game.


1. You need Metamod (see LINKS)

2. Extract lasersight_mm.ini to "c:\½life\moddir\addons\lasersight"-folder.

3. Extract lasersight_mm.dll and to "c:\½life\moddir\addons\lasersight"-folder

4. Add following two lines to "c:\½life\moddir\metamod.ini":

win32 addons/lasersight/lasersight_mm.dll
linux addons/lasersight/

//You can copy-paste this section to your server.cfg or/and listenserver.cfg

//Enable/Disable lasersight plugin [1/0]
lasersight_on 1

//Enable/Disable lasersights [1/0]
lasersight_beam 1

//Enable/Disable laserdots [1/0]
lasersight_dot 1

//Sets whatever enemy teams see your team's beams [1/0] (detectes CS/DOD/TFC/Op4CTF teams)
lasersight_enemysees 0

//Sets width of lasersight [default: 1.0]
lasersight_beamsize 1.0

//Sets size of laserdot [default: 1.0]
//If you want dots to match with beam witdh use value 0.125 here
lasersight_dotsize 1.0

//Set what ever plugin shows player's own lasersight (Only works well with listenserver-client) [0/1]
lasersight_show_own_beam 0

//Set what ever plugin shows player's own laserdot [1/0]
lasersight_show_own_dot 1

//Enable/Disable own dot/beam position fix [1/0]
lasersight_fix_own_position 1

//Allow player to hide/show beams for theimselfs (only if beams are enabled for everyone)
lasersight_allowsetoff 1

//Message shown to player when he/she hides beams with 'hidebeams' say command
lasersight_hidingbeams "Hiding lasersights (other people still can see your beam)"

//Message shown to player when he/she shows/unhides beams with 'showbeams' say command
lasersight_showingbeams "Showing lasersights"


* Added in .ini for Galil and FAMAS linked to identifying the weapon ID thanks to AlliedMods wiki
* Metamod plugin recompiled with HLSDK 2.3, newer Metamod src code and latest MetaAPI 5:13
* And all builds are recompiled with the later compiler by MSVS 2015 and GCC 4.8 (i686 optimised) removed GCC compile flag -ffast-math and displaced -O3 with -O2 for improved stability.

* Added 'lasersight_show_ini' command for displaying ini-data that is currently loaded in to memory.
* Added 'lasersight_reload_ini' command for reloading ini-file without restarting server.
* Tested with Steam (works).
* Source should compile with AMD64 now and produce working binary (not tested).
* Added SvenCoop detection/support to lasersight_mm.ini (but needs tweaking for new SvenCoop weapons).
* Tweaked optimization flags.

* Fixed to work with hlds

* Fixed lasersight of commander showing to other players (Natural-Selection)
* Fixed lasersight showing in ReadyRoom (Natural-Selection)

* DefaultOffsetRight, DefaultOffsetUp, DefaultOffsetForward, DefaultFlipFlag, DefaultWidth, DefaultColor ini settings for each mod.
* Updated libini (v1.1.9-1) (

[2.99 RC2]
* if laserbeam_on/laserbeam_dot/laserbeam_beam found set their value to 0 (bad installion fix where old laserbeam isn't removed)

[2.99 RC1]
* Renamed from Laserbeam to Lasersight
* Uses player model attachment points now. Much better solution than offsets and showing own beam should be ok for LAN games and low latency Internet games.
* DefaultAttachment ini setting for each mod.
* <WeaponID>_attachment for each weapon.
* freakmode removed
* NS team detection

* Natural-Selection added in laserbeam_mm.ini
* Negative values are read correctly from ini now
* 'showbeams' and 'hidebeams' say commands changed to 'showbeam*' and 'hidebeam*' (where '*' means anything)
* Support for '<weapon_id>_offset_forward' added in ini-handler (default value is 14)
* Default value of laserbeam_dotsize changed to 0.5

* Fixed to work with Metamod loaded bots

* Added team detections for beams
* laserbeam_enemysees -- cvar
o Sets whatever if enemy teams see your team's beams

* New installation directory (

* Big changes in sources. Lots of stuff turned to C++ classes.
* HLSDK headers included in source archive.
* Linux binary should run on FreeBSD systems (Doesn't need GLIBC 2.1.3(or something) anymore).

* Allows players to hide beams if they dont like theim (say-commands 'hidebeams' and 'showbeams')

* To fix XP problem I had to:
o Changed some dynamicly alloced memory tables to staticly alloced
o Recompile win32 binary with other compiler

* linux binary wasn't working
* win32 binary didn't work with XP

* works with CSGuard now
* Third try to fix crashing

* Added laserdots!
* Special freak mode (IMG:
* Fixes player's own dot and beam to point to center of screen
* laserbeam_beamsize for easy changing of laserbeam widths
* Easy Copy-Paste-2-Config cvar help
* Beams go through unbreakable glasses now

* Crash bug fix

* Added "laserbeam_show_own_beam" cvar

* Support for TFC
* Uses new features in metamod-1.11.00 (Can now be loaded between changelevels)

* Added 'laserbeam_version'-serverinfo-cvar
* New looks in readme-file (IMG:
* [bugfix] Works now correctly after client disconnect

* Switched back to 1.09.00 (cannot be loaded on changelevel)
* [bugfix] Works now correctly if someone leaves server

* Plugin can now be loaded on changelevel (You need metamod 1.11.00 or newer)

* [ini] Added Counter Strike Support
* [dll] Added "laserbeam_on"-cvar
* [bugfix] Remove beam if player leaves server

* Half-life and Opposing Force Support


Author's Homesite:

It's not fully tested mainly on Windows servers but appears to work ok on my Linux servers.;downloadid=745
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- meowthx1985   Metamod Lasersight V3.11-beta   12/09/2016 - 21:13:02

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