17b's Hacking |
14/03/2017 - 09:29:56 |
Group: 17 Buddies Posts: 18 535 Joined: 27/12/2003 Team: Dev. 17b |
17b a une nouvelle fois été hacké avec mise en place de fichiers frauduleux sur notre serveur. Google m'en a averti par mail.
Pour l'instant j'ai supprimé une partie des fichiers incriminés et rechargé ma dernière sauvegarde "propre". Cela fait 2 fois en 2 mois qu'un pirate s'introduit sur notre site. Il installe des fichiers permettant d'envoyer du spam. Cela doit l'amuser. (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/icon_nul.gif) Je n'ai malheureusement pas les compétences ni le temps pour résoudre ce problème et les fondateurs historiques de 17b qui avaient ces compétences ne sont plus disponibles pour ça non plus. J'en appelle donc aux bonnes volontés qui souhaiteraient d'une façon ou d'une autre aider EatingPizza à résoudre ce problème. Je reste bien évidemment à la disposition d'EatingPizza pour lui donner tous les codes d'accès nécessaire au réglement du problème. Pour moi s'en est fini et je vous confie mon bébé. Je vous demande juste d'en prendre soin. (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/bye.gif) Nous avons passé de bons moments ensemble. Il est maintenant temps pour moi de tourner la page. (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/wub.gif) (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/wub.gif) ======================================================================== Once again 17b has been hacked with setting up fraudulent files on our server. Google notified me by e-mail. For now I deleted some of the offending files and reloaded my last "clean" backup. It is 2 times in 2 months that a pirate is introduced on our site. It installs files to send spam. That must amuse him. (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/icon_nul.gif) Unfortunately, I do not have the skills or the time to solve this problem and the historic founders of 17b who had these skills are no longer available for it either. So I appeal to the good will who would somehow help EatingPizza to solve this problem. I remain of course at the disposal of EatingPizza to give him all the access codes necessary to solve the problem. For me it is finished and I entrust my "baby" to you. I just ask you to take care of it. (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/bye.gif) We had a great time together. It is now time for me to turn the page. (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/wub.gif) (IMG:http://forum.17buddies.rocks/style_emoticons/default/wub.gif) |
13/05/2017 - 08:23:56 |
Group: 17 Buddies Posts: 179 Joined: 22/10/2008 Team: Les Scarapotes |
No, it's correct. The machine specs from the server console are:
- Intel® Xeon® CPU E5-1620 @ 3.60GHz - 64 Go RAM - 2 To HD It matches the link above. 69 € HT = 83.99 €. You are not going to pay 7€/month for this kind of specs. That doesn't exist. Dedicated server on OVH starts from 72€ / month. I don't know why Pizza took such big dedicated server, even though the site is hit hard by the bots, it's still fairly overpowered. I guess the disk usage requirement > 500 Go is problematic. Having a VPS SSD 3 like this one https://www.ovh.com/fr/vps/vps-ssd.xml would likely enough but 40 Go is not enough, and one 500 Go additional disk costs +36 €/month. Looks like storage is very costly everywhere, but you would be already at 50.39 €/month (and you would still need more spaces). At the end, you are not far away from a dedicated server which offers 2 To with better specs. At best, we would need to pay 72€/m. And looking at others hosts, OVH is cheaper with better specs... Current usage: - CPU : usually < 20% (there is no statistic, but the load average is always quite low) - Mem: usually around 5% (~4 Go) - Disk: 28% (516.34 GB) |
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